Operation Freedom Ride Inc.

Help Us Help Them

Know of a shelter in need? Nominate them below to become a shelter partner!

Fill The Van!

Saving all the dogs and the cats too is more than transports and rescuing local animals. Many of our southern shelter partners don’t look anything like local shelters. Many have little to no funding or resources and as a result, dogs are often kept in outdoor kennels that are not very well protected from the weather. It gets down to the low 30s in the south at night during the winter and dogs often sleep on cold concrete floors without igloos. Some shelters even house cats outdoors in dog crates.

Kennels are small and are often full causing high euthanasia rates in many shelters. Some are even broken or falling apart. We knew we had to step in and help! When we partner with a shelter to do a transport, we will fill the transport van(s) up with donations to bring to the shelter in need. The Rochester community participates in donating kennels, industrial dog beds, food, igloos, medical supplies, blankets, and more!